Merchant Resources
Chargebacks 101
New to the dispute management space? Get up to speed and gain critical insider knowledge about chargebacks and the disputes that cause them.

Chargebacks 101
New to the dispute management space? Get up to speed and gain critical insider knowledge about chargebacks and the disputes that cause them.
News & Information
Read in-depth articles on the latest developments in dispute management and learn more about the services ChargebackHelp offers.

News & Information
Read in-depth articles on the latest developments in dispute management and learn more about the services ChargebackHelp offers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about ChargebackHelp, chargebacks and dispute management.

Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about ChargebackHelp, chargebacks and dispute management.
CBH+ Knowledge Base
Watch video tutorials that walk you through the different features ChargebackHelp Plus has to offer.

CBH+ Knowledge Base
Watch video tutorials that walk you through the different features ChargebackHelp Plus has to offer.
Chargeback Reason Code Reference
For every chargeback, issuing banks assign a reason code that explains the cause. This reference helps merchants make sense of each code.

Chargeback Reason Code Reference
For every chargeback, issuing banks assign a reason code that explains the cause. This reference helps merchants make sense of each code.
Merchant Category Code Lookup
Every business is grouped into a category designated by the Merchant Category Code. Find out which code your business falls under and whether it is considered high-risk for fraud and chargebacks.

Merchant Category Code Lookup
Every business is grouped into a category designated by the Merchant Category Code. Find out which code your business falls under and whether it is considered high-risk for fraud and chargebacks.
Payments Industry Terms
Look up some of the most common terms and acronyms used in the payments industry.

Payments Industry Terms
Look up some of the most common terms and acronyms used in the payments industry.