News and Information
The Anatomy of Transaction Fees
There are core concepts in every cost structure that if understood, can simplify your efforts to get a handle on your processing costs.
VISA’s VCR might already be Betamax
In an attempt to improve how chargebacks are resolved, VISA has introduced the "Visa Claims Resolution Initiative," otherwise known by the cutting-edge acronym "VCR". Anyone who has dealt with VISA to resolve chargebacks knows an update has been sorely needed.
Payments Panacea In the Works
What if we told you there is a concerted, industry-wide [...]
Hacking the Hype: The Equifax Breach
Now that all the click-bait panic buttons have been exhausted [...]
5 Steps to Reduce Checkout Friction
Checkout friction consists of all the different hoops a customer [...]
5 mistakes you’re making in fraud prevention
1. You're not capturing transactional data. We say it all [...]
Red flags your gateway should be catching
We’ve put together a checklist of some key red flags [...]
The Future of Authentication
They say the password is dead, but that might seem [...]
A Strategy for Using Call Centers
When a cardholder sees a transaction on their bill that [...]
Self Assessment: Are you a soft target for fraud?
With card-present fraud mostly out of the picture for storefront [...]
Representment Explained
Representment is a real word, despite what spellcheck might think. [...]
The Fraud Ecosystem: From hack to chargeback
In 2014, top retailers Target, Home Depot, and CVS were [...]