News and Information
Cryptocurrency Eliminates Fraud and Chargebacks, But…
Crypto provides unrivaled authentication and security in transactions, but there are some things you should consider before jumping on the bandwagon.
Do You Need Manual Review to Prevent Fraud?
Let's get you asking the right questions to determine where manual review can effectively assist your fraud prevention.
Recover More Revenue with Effective Rebuttal Letters
Rebuttals are a very important revenue recovery tool, so let's make sure you're doing it right.
How To Profit From Returns
Hidden or non-existent return policies cost your business more than you might think. See how a good return policy can be an asset to sales and customer retention.
What is Secure Remote Commerce?
SRC enables universal payment profiles that can be used across the web, so consumers don’t have to create profiles and authenticate at every single point of sale.
A Guide to Disputes with the Big Four Issuing Banks
Set an expectation baseline when dealing with issuers in transaction disputes. A good place to start is by understanding the dispute policies of the "Big Four" issuers: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citibank.
American Express Chargebacks – How Different Are They?
AMEX is its own issuer. That can make a huge difference for some merchants, and not in a good way. Find out what's at stake dealing with AMEX disputes.
Subscription Merchants: New Visa mandate for free trials
Effective this April: Review the new Visa rules for subscriptions initiated by free trial offers to enhance transparency for cardholders and help reduce disputes for merchants.
Chargebacks 101: A merchant’s guide
Learn how fraud, disputes and chargebacks affect your bottom line and use this guide as a jump-off to find the dispute management solutions you need.
Merchant Help for Disputes on Amazon
Selling with Amazon comes with some unique benefits when dealing with disputes, provided the merchant complies with their requirements.
Managing Disputes on Stripe
While Stripe provides merchants with a simple, cutting edge solution for sending and receiving payments in the digital space, merchants still have to contend with disputes and chargebacks on this platform.
Shopify Processing and Dispute Management Explained
Shopify is all-inclusive storefront solution for eCommerce merchants. It's super-easy to set up and use. For some merchants, that simplicity can create major complications with disputes and chargebacks.