News and Information
How to use AI and Automation to Prevent Chargebacks
Artificial Intelligence anti-fraud and chargeback tools will expand the toolbox for merchants, allowing them to more effectively fight fraud.
How to Fight Chargebacks as a Small Merchant
Chargebacks are bad for businesses of every size, but for small businesses, even a few chargebacks could quickly evolve into an existential threat.
Chargeback Reasons: Why Customers Dispute Valid Purchases
Some cardholders end up filing chargebacks on valid purchases, sometimes by mistake, sometimes because they’re looking to commit fraud.
Merchant Guide to Reducing Holiday Chargebacks
Come January, you’ll likely see an uptick in holiday chargebacks. Late December and January are sometimes referred to as chargeback season.
Preventing Chargebacks on Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Black Friday and Cyber Monday, in particular, drum up sales, but unfortunately, these shopping holidays can fuel chargebacks as well.
How to Reduce Chargeback Risk from MOTO Transactions
Before the Web, MOTO, or Mail-Order/Telephone Order transactions were one of the most popular alternatives to in-person shopping.
Prevent Chargeback Fraud with New Secure Payment Authentication
Fraud and cybercrime are major risks for businesses. Luckily, Google Pay has rolled out secure payment authentication services for merchants.
Chargeback Prevention Guide: 13 Proven Ways to Prevent Chargebacks
Chargebacks are a major hassle and risk for merchants. The good news is that there are many steps you can take to prevent and reduce them.
Protect Your Business from Enumeration Attacks: A Guide for Merchants
Businesses big and small need to take cybersecurity threats seriously. Enumeration attacks, in particular, have emerged as a grave threat.
How ChargebackHelp Makes Managing Multiple Chargeback Services Easier
ChargebackHelp’s dispute management platform can be used to streamline chargeback management and to bring various tools under one roof.
What is Chargeback Representment and How Does it Work?
Chargeback representment can be exceptionally useful for merchants, allowing them to fight fraud and protect revenues.
What You Should Know About High-Risk Merchants and Chargebacks
Some businesses are at a higher than normal risk of suffering chargebacks and can be designated as “high-risk” by acquiring banks.