Estimate how much chargebacks are costing your business

How much are chargebacks costing your business?

Simplify Your Disputes Into A Single Endpoint

CBH+ integrates your transaction data with the most effective tools to deflect disputes, resolve chargebacks and recover revenue from friendly fraud.


Stop Disputes

CBH+Deflect sends your fulfillment data to the point of inquiry

Enhance your descriptors directly on cardholders' statements

Inform your customers, before they start disputes

Inform issuing banks to stop friendly fraud

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Reduce Chargebacks

CBH+Resolve integrates all your alerts from all disputes

Resolve disputes without chargebacks

Automate refunds for immediate resolution

Catch duplicate alerts and fraud data

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Recover Revenue

CBH+Recover mobilizes your transactions to fight chargebacks & win

Integrates your CRM, gateway, fulfillment data and more

Compelling evidence is sent automatically

Optimized dispute data for better win ratios

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Get Total Dispute Management

  • Reduce disputes by up to 80%

  • Save time and money for your core business
  • Resolve alerts more efficiently
  • Recover revenue more effectively