The Best Dispute Management Software in 2024
What your should be looking for in the dispute management ecosystem.
What your should be looking for in the dispute management ecosystem.
Everything you need to know about this crucial business metric, why it matters, and what you can do to stay in the green.
Understanding what AI is and isn't, and how it affects dispute management. Everything a merchant needs to know.
The EMV rollout has greatly reduced card-present fraud, however, scammers can still use social engineering and other exploits to compromise smart chip protections.
There is an arms race underway between hackers that use AI to commit fraud and the "white hat" AI that can be used to fight back.
For businesses big and small, cybersecurity is crucial. Lax security practices not only create vulnerabilities but can also result in fines from authorities and potentially even lawsuits. Phishing can lead to fraudulent transactions, which can lead to chargebacks.
EMV chips have made it virtually impossible to spoof physical cards, but these chips do little to prevent card-not-present fraud. eCommerce entrepreneurs commonly believe that skimmers are a brick-and-mortar problem. However, they're now more vulnerable to skimming than card-present merchants ever were.
The Metaverse is building the internet as an "experience." Fraudsters are currently "experiencing" ways to perpetrate scams on merchants and it’s only a matter of time before they succeed.
Not only can we explain this bewildering mandate, we can help you contain the cost and maintain smooth processing.
There are steps you can take to effectively prevent and reverse chargebacks. Fighting them requires a proactive approach, and when done right, this approach delivers significant ROI.
Many merchants and entrepreneurs have heard of chargebacks but may not understand exactly what they are. That’s why we’re going to outline what chargebacks are, where they came from, and what the chargeback process looks like.
Dispute management is not unlike a bag of golf clubs, where you’ll need different woods and wedges for specific parts of the fairway. Each management service has a particular application and building the right “bag” depends on knowing which circumstances each service is needed for.