Are Blacklists Effective for Fraud Prevention?
Blacklisting is not a cure-all against eCommerce fraud; it employs some useful mechanisms for catching suspected fraud, but declining these transactions may not always be the best course of action.
Blacklisting is not a cure-all against eCommerce fraud; it employs some useful mechanisms for catching suspected fraud, but declining these transactions may not always be the best course of action.
Order Insight sends transaction data to issuing banks to prevent cardholder inquiries from becoming disputes and chargebacks. Learn how it can deflect disputes and reduce chargebacks for merchants.
Vladimir Putin recently endorsed artificial intelligence as the key to world domination, and hence it’s his new BFF. Elon Musk just admitted that SpaceX was really an escape pod to other planets for when AI goes full-Terminator. But in the [...]
Now that all the click-bait panic buttons have been exhausted from the Equifax breach, we take a calm, collected look at it... from the perspective of black-hat experts. To them, the breach and its fallout are just business as usual. [...]
1. You're not capturing transactional data. We say it all the time, and we will continue to until it sinks in. Merchants need to capture key data on each transaction, including customer identity, order details, and user login logs. Not [...]
We’ve put together a checklist of some key red flags that your gateway should be automated to catch in your transactions. It’s important for merchants’ gateways to check for all of these because one item alone won’t accurately qualify a [...]
With card-present fraud mostly out of the picture for storefront retailers, thanks to the EMV Migration, online merchants face growing instances of fraud as crooks turn to card-not-present (CNP) transactions with their stolen cards. And just like regular thieves looking [...]
Fraud prevention is a tightrope act. You want to protect your business from fraud and chargebacks. But if you overprotect, your bottom line can suffer. Absolutely do what you can to prevent fraud, but know what you can do in-house [...]
Your most-valuable customers are also your most-vulnerable to false declines. Let's not do that, mkay?
Friendly fraud is the new “rubber check” because most issuing banks have a rubber stamp policy on chargebacks. Though the circumstances may vary, if a customer calls the number on the back of their card and asks for a chargeback, [...]
Friendly fraud has fast gown into a pandemic. Find out what you're up against as a merchant and learn how to fight back!
Our mission at ChargebackHelp is to prevent chargebacks and safeguard your merchant accounts. But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so it’s important for merchants to know how to fortify their transactions with preventative measures without [...]