VISA’s VCR might already be Betamax
To improve how chargebacks are resolved, VISA has introduced the "Visa Claims Resolution Initiative," otherwise known by the cutting-edge acronym "VCR".
To improve how chargebacks are resolved, VISA has introduced the "Visa Claims Resolution Initiative," otherwise known by the cutting-edge acronym "VCR".
What if we told you there is a industry-wide panacea in the works to standardize processing and accommodate third-party payments anywhere.
Now that all the click-bait panic buttons have been exhausted from the Equifax breach, we take a calm look at it from the perspective of black-hat experts.
Checkout friction consists of all the different hoops a customer must jump through to buy your product. Some friction is necessary, some isn’t.
For best practise in fraud prevention merchants must capture key data on each transaction, including customer identity, order details, and user login logs.
We've put together a checklist of some key red flags that your gateway should be automated to catch in your transactions.
There's currently a lot of R&D going into creating user authentication tokens and they range from the fascinating to the downright scary.
For many merchants, a customer call center is that impending solution which reduces chargebacks and invigorates customer relationships.
The EMV card transition is finally in high gear, which is great news for compliant retailers; card-present fraud is in decline.
Representment is the process by which merchants can dispute a chargeback and recover the revenue at stake.
Most of your criminal fraud and subsequent chargebacks spawn from what is known as the Fraud Ecosystem.
The EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) migration to “smart cards” is a textbook example of the dissonance between expectation and execution.