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So far Mike Conway has created 144 blog entries.

Visa & MasterCard Mandate for Subscription Transactions – What it means?

If you’re running an e-commerce business and are a subscription-based merchant, you have to store your customer’s payment credentials in order to make one-click or recurring payments possible. While storing payment credentials makes transactions faster and much easier, it’s a [...]

PayPal Chargebacks & Disputes – Useful Guide

Merchants processing transactions with Paypal can face disputes as with any other payment method. Know your merchant rights and how to resolve a dispute with a customer correctly in the Paypal Resolution Center. This merchant guide to Paypal disputes will show you the way.

PayPal Chargebacks- Everything You Should Know

If you’re selling services or products online, chances are you accept PayPal. Many merchants process PayPal because it’s user-friendly and relatively secure. However, as with all good things, there are a couple of caveats that can turn into an issue [...]

How Does Zero Liability Policy Affect Merchants

Visa and MasterCard have "zero liability" policies in place in order to protect consumers against fraud. On the surface, this represents a way to ensure cardholders will always be protected from transactions they didn’t authorize. We’ll look at how these [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Merchant Chargeback Rights

Merchants do have rights when dealing with chargebacks. Like most other rights, they only offer protection to those that know them. Take the following to heart and position yourself to redeem them for maximum protection.

5 PayPal Chargeback Scams & How to Prevent Them

Even though PayPal is well-known for being secure, easy to use, and easy to integrate if you're a seller, it doesn't come without its issues. As with most other payment processors, PayPal is susceptible to abuse, especially when it comes to PayPal chargeback fraud.