How to Win at Chargeback Reversals
Lots of our competitors out there want you to believe you can achieve chargeback reversals through representment, but that's fake news.
Lots of our competitors out there want you to believe you can achieve chargeback reversals through representment, but that's fake news.
To a cardholder, the difference between a chargeback and a refund is merely semantics; to them, the end result for them is the same.
Let's look at what happens when a customer disputes a purchase. For many merchants, their understanding of this process begins and ends with chargebacks.
The chargeback is a complex dispute process that is mostly hidden to the merchant. This process is in dire need of an update to improve communication.
Representment is the process by which merchants can dispute a chargeback and recover the revenue at stake.
So many business don’t take the necessary steps to prevent chargebacks and fraud from happening, or they take action when it is already too late.